Yes4g Huddle is bloody pricey . Anything that is more then RM300 is expensive in my own devices pricing schema … I do not know what’s the justification for that kind of price.
As a poor Malaysian living in a terrible times. What should I do? Relying on Facebook/KingJason/Politician Photoshop/news is not going to help . Time to start our simple hacks!
Hardware Requirement
1. One Unit Raspberry Pi
2. Yes Go Dongle
3. TP Link MR3040 Portable 3G/4G Router configurable as our wifi broadcaster + portable powerbank
4. 8GB Sdcard
5. RJ-45 cable .
6. A Micro-Usb cabled to power up the USB Pi.
Software Requirement
1. Arch Linux as the OS
2. gctwimax driver
3. dnsmasq
4. iptables rules
Instruction ..
1. Copy Arch Linux ARM image to our sdcard … If you are using Windows . you can use Fedora ARM Installer.
2. Compile gctwimax should be easy
3. configure dnsmasq.. Quite easy in my case 4 lines .only
U might also need to actually set the eth0 static on next boot. this can be accomplished by changing /etc/netctl/eth0 to static and give it
4. sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward =1
5. Create two systemd scripts seperately. First script is to lauch gctwimax code so that it will give us wimax0..
gctwimax will read configuration from /usr/share/gctwimax/gctwimax.conf like this
gctwimax -C /usr/share/gctwimax/gctwimax.conf
U need to change the following config to this config below
6. Second script is to load dnsmasq configuration. We also need to add an iptables rule to forward all our request to wimax0. This can be accomplished by MASQUERADE it.
iptabes -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wimax0 -j MASQUERADE.
6. Configure TP-LINk Portable router into a WAN Mode.
7. You are ready.!!!
How much does this cost compared to Yes Huddle?
Yes Huddle~RM399
Feeling~ Crap
- Raspberry Pi ~ RM110
- YesGo ~ RM40
- TP-LINK MR3020 ~ RM99
- Random SD card class10 ~RM16
- Awesomeness ~ Priceless
- Total= RM265
- Saved= RM134
- And we have HDMI output how f**&U* cool is dat?
Screenshots of success .
wimax0 is up and working correctly.
Infinite power cycle (Kididng)
Working perfectly at our secret mapley.
Rooms for improvement.
- Getting a good nano wifi card to setup as a hotspot.. Cables are messy.
- Implementing 16×2 LCD for lulz.
- Understanding conditional systemd. I miss sys-v/init but hey systemd is not dat bad in fact it’s easier.
I’ve already make a plain backup images but unfortunately the size of my backup image is 8GB which is quite big. I`m uploading it at mega. Once finished i update the links to my image here.
Cheers for No4G..
Here’s the link for my image archlinuxyes4g.bin
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