Aku tengah cari distro yang mempunyai ciri2 berikut.
1. Installer kecik
2. Bila install dalam HDD x guna byk space
3. RAM x perlu besar2… bawah 100MB pun ok
4. Sapot musti bagus.
5. Tak perlu GUI
1. TinyCore Linux
2. OpenWrt
dah cuba guna Ubuntu minimal?
▲ ▲
I suggest you “puppy linux”
slax linux
(29-07-2013, 09:50 AM)ak47suk1 Wrote: dah cuba guna Ubuntu minimal?
Belum lagi, baru nk try
Quote:The Minimal CD will download packages from online archives at installation time instead of providing them on the install CD itself. Downloading packages at install time reduces the size of the install CD to approximately 5 to 30MB depending on architecture (see below), as well as providing only the packages needed for installation. The download time savings achieved by using a Minimal CD can be significant, as only current packages are downloaded, so there is no need to upgrade packages immediately after installation. The Minimal CD uses a text-based installer like the Alternate CD, making the CD image as compact as possible.
(29-07-2013, 12:42 PM)fatah Wrote: aku tak rasa Ubuntu minimal solution dia, pasal still download repo dari online.tinycorelinux & damnsmalllinux tak silap dia bundle with the type of minimal possibility in size e.g: compression, strip, uclib???, busybox (pack of utilities), etc kut.
aku rasa cuba tengok kalau install dalam hard disk:
Tgh try install, DSL ada issue dgn mouse.
(29-07-2013, 12:42 PM)fatah Wrote: Or else, tanpa gui mungkin boleh tengok OpenWRT (x86)
Menarik, tak tau pulak openwrt boleh try dlm Virtual Box, tapi sama gak, tcpdump xde dalam tu, kena install sendiri
Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2
kalau NetBSD lama install basic dia default dalam 150MB, tp fully CLI dan ada network tools semua la.. xde 3rd party apps/GUI apa bagai..
ada pernah terbaca pasal zipslack dulu2, tataw wujud lg ke tak..
boleh try MENUETOS, Os written from assembly language, fits floppy disk 1.44mb
NetBSD netbsd.trunasuci.***.org 5.1.2_PATCH NetBSD 5.1.2_PATCH (GENERIC) #0: Mon Jun 18 15
root@:/usr/obj/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC i386
OpenBSD openbsd.localdomain 5.1 GENERIC#0 i386
FreeBSD trunasuci.***.org 9.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue Jun 12 01:47:53 UTC 2012
PCBSD 7.1.1 8
(29-07-2013, 09:36 AM)c0ff33 Wrote: Aku tengah cari distro yang saiz kecil macam Damn Small Linux @ Tiny Core Linux, nak run dalam Virtual Box.Tapi masalahnya distro ni:
1. xde tcpdump
2. xde nmap
3. run dlm live cd je, xleh install. Stp kali aku reboot, setting ip dia akan hilang
I recommend Arch linux or minimal Debian linux.
You can install nmap and tcpdump of coz for both distro. Pluz you must installed the linux distro on your virtual machine. Live CD is a complete bootable computer operating system which runs in the computer’s memory, rather than loading from the hard disk
(19-08-2013, 12:47 AM)TRUNASUCI Wrote: define minimal tu sekecil mana?
RAM 40 MB atau ke bawah dah boleh jalan. Baru boleh jalan2 banyak2 dlm virtualbox.
HDD lepas install dlm 100 MB je.
Tiny Core Linux dh cukup ok. ISO dia 8 MB sahaja. Tapi documentation dia tak sebagus ubuntu, banyak benda yg xde. Mungkin tak ramai orang pakai lagi kot.
(01-08-2013, 02:48 AM)fatah Wrote: ipkg update && ipkg install tcpdump sayangSent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2
ipkg ke opkg
lagi satu package sayang xde 2
(20-08-2013, 07:15 PM)c0ff33 Wrote:
(19-08-2013, 12:47 AM)TRUNASUCI Wrote: define minimal tu sekecil mana?Contoh:-
RAM 40 MB atau ke bawah dah boleh jalan. Baru boleh jalan2 banyak2 dlm virtualbox.
HDD lepas install dlm 100 MB je.Tiny Core Linux dh cukup ok. ISO dia 8 MB sahaja. Tapi documentation dia tak sebagus ubuntu, banyak benda yg xde. Mungkin tak ramai orang pakai lagi kot.
pasal documentation kalau xlengkap dan kita dah explore dalam2, tahu kelemahan tu, seeloknya kita yg tulis dan menyumbang kepada team tersebut juga dari segi docs la.. perkara kecil dan boleh tu, sama gak ngan kami2 yg newbies ni contribute ke BSD dan lain2 OSS development, mende kecil tuh pun dikira as developer/contributor juga..
saya rasa bro bagus dalam hal ni
NetBSD netbsd.trunasuci.***.org 5.1.2_PATCH NetBSD 5.1.2_PATCH (GENERIC) #0: Mon Jun 18 15
root@:/usr/obj/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC i386
OpenBSD openbsd.localdomain 5.1 GENERIC#0 i386
FreeBSD trunasuci.***.org 9.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue Jun 12 01:47:53 UTC 2012
PCBSD 7.1.1 8
(19-08-2013, 04:51 PM)linear Wrote:
(29-07-2013, 09:36 AM)c0ff33 Wrote: Aku tengah cari distro yang saiz kecil macam Damn Small Linux @ Tiny Core Linux, nak run dalam Virtual Box.Tapi masalahnya distro ni:
1. xde tcpdump
2. xde nmap
3. run dlm live cd je, xleh install. Stp kali aku reboot, setting ip dia akan hilangI recommend Arch linux or minimal Debian linux.
You can install nmap and tcpdump of coz for both distro. Pluz you must installed the linux distro on your virtual machine. Live CD is a complete bootable computer operating system which runs in the computer’s memory, rather than loading from the hard disk
Sekali cakap orang putih, orang tak faham ;p
Tapi betul, Arch Linux boleh jadi salah satu jawapan yang sangat menepati kehendak. Cuma tuan thread tak nyatakan nak GUI friendly ke tak je. Kalo tak kisah, Arch Linux la distro yang anda cari.
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2013, 10:34 PM by serdotlinecho[35].)
(29-07-2013, 09:36 AM)c0ff33 Wrote: Aku tukar balik tajuk & 1st post…mcm konpius post yg lama.Aku tengah cari distro yang mempunyai ciri2 berikut.
1. Installer kecik
2. Bila install dalam HDD x guna byk space
3. RAM x perlu besar2… bawah 100MB pun ok
4. Sapot musti bagus.
5. Tak perlu GUIContoh
1. TinyCore Linux
2. OpenWrt
Arch Linux
1. Saiz 5++mb sebab gabung 32bit dengan 64bit satu iso.
2. Memang tak banyak. Kalau tak perlu X session and nak hidup dalam framebuffer jer pon boleh, pakai Screen, Tmux atau Dvtm untuk multitasking.
3. Minimum 128mb. (Virtualbox jer ker? Kedekut resources betol la ko ni)
4. Wiki, forums, package management antara yang terbaik. Boleh submit packages pakai AUR.
5. Memang tak perlukan GUI lepas ko selesai boot live cd. Default shell sekarang adalah Zsh, tapi lepas install base, pakai bash balik.
Kalau malas nak heavy desktop environment macam gnome, kde, unity, xfce, lxde tapi still nak X session, cuba la mana2 tiling window manager atau stacking/floating window manager.
Aku pakai i3wm kat netbook. Lepas startx, pakai 90 mb jer. Browser pulak aku elakkan pakai web browser yang berat macam Google Chrome dan Firefox(install tapi tak pakai, bila perlu jer buka). Web browser yang aku pakai DWB, webkit based dan ringan. Terminal emulator, pakai rxvt-unicode.
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- ^ http://distro.ibiblio.org/damnsmall/mydsl/ (distro.ibiblio.org)
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