: TA13-309A: CryptoLocker Ransomware Infections


Systems Affected

Microsoft Windows systems running Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, and XP operating systems


US-CERT is aware of a malware campaign that surfaced in 2013 and is associated with an increasing number of ransomware infections. CryptoLocker is a new variant of ransomware that restricts access to infected computers and demands the victim provide a payment to the attackers in order to decrypt and recover their files. As of this time, the primary means of infection appears to be phishing emails containing malicious attachments.


CryptoLocker appears to have been spreading through fake emails designed to mimic the look of legitimate businesses and through phony FedEx and UPS tracking notices.  In addition, there have been reports that some victims saw the malware appear following after a previous infection from one of several botnets frequently leveraged in the cyber-criminal underground.




US-CERT recommends users and administrators take the following preventative measures to protect their computer networks from a CryptoLocker infection:


US-CERT suggests the following possible mitigation steps that users and administrators can implement, if you believe your computer has been infected with CryptoLocker malware:

  • Immediately disconnect the infected system from wireless or wired networks. This may prevent the malware from further encrypting any more files on the network.
  • Users who are infected with the malware should consult with a reputable security expert to assist in removing the malware.
  • If possible, change all online account passwords and network passwords after removing the system from the network. Change all system passwords once the malware is removed from the system.



  • November 5, 2013: Initial Release
  • November 13, 2013: Update to Systems Affected (inclusion of Windows 8)
  • November 15, 2013: Updates to Impact and Prevention sections.
  • November 18, 2013: Updated Prevention and Mitigation Sections

This product is provided subject to this Notification[2] and this Privacy & Use[3] policy.


  1. ^ Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) (www.ic3.gov)
  2. ^ Notification (www.us-cert.gov)
  3. ^ Privacy & Use (www.us-cert.gov)

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